Respected sir, we purchased tikona internet broadband connection for more than two and half years ago. I have taken 4 MBPS connection and from last 7 months i am getting only 1 MBPS speed connectivity. Several complaints have been logged on call and by email but they are not bother to solve the issues. Every time they give false commitments and send the engineer at my place and then they resolve the issue for one day and again the same problem facing next day. I have told them to disconnect the connection then also they continued for one month . as per one month my outstanding bill should be 800 and now they are forcing us to pay 2300. They are calling us from 7840099520,and 8505876161 mobile numbers and blackmailing us telling that we are from Tishazari court and they have filed police complaint and now you have to come to delhi court and fight the legal case. I am asking you to help us in this problem. thank you waiting for your reply.