Dear Sirs, Greetings and have a nice day!!! This is a mail to have an assistance from you. I have brought an Iphone mobile as on 5th Dec 2015. After that I get phone suddenly off on 26th December 2015, I went to the Apple service station. They take my mobile and as on 28th December 2015, they told that there is software problem on your mobile. So we will replace your device on or before 6th of January 2016 and You will get mobile from our replacement department out of the India. Then I called them on 6th of Jan, they told still the device is not dispatch and it will be dispatch within two days. But till the date, mobile is not dispatched from their replacement department. Last on 11th January 2016, Monday I went again to service station and tried to get status of my Mobile whether they dispatch from their replacement department or not? But still that day, they didn’t send it from there. They give me reason that there is no stock of mobile to replace you. I asked to give me another mobile as standby for my regular work. But they are refuse my request. Since 26th December 2015, I am without mobile and the refuse my request to give me standby mobile and told me that it is not our system to give you mobile as standby. I already talked to their customer Relationship Manager. She told that we are helpless and can't do any thing against our company policy. So we request you to please take positive action. Do the needful and hope positive satisfaction action from you. With Best Regards, Mitesh Vagadiya Mo.: 09924488096